Today is probably one of the virus which spread very much and their impact is serious enough Conficker (Kido / Downadup). Various media have reported the number and danger of the spread of this malware.
How we test out that computers are safe from infection Conficker this?
There are some easy ways that we can use to make sure that our computers safe from Conficker. Because if it is infected, then the Antivirus-sometimes not even be able to detect or handle, must use special tools (already widely available on the internet).
Here are some tests that you can be do:
1. Open the following URL address: Conficker Test, If it appears 6 images, then most likely your computer is safe from this virus, but if there are some that do not appear, be aware of the possibility of infection with this virus.
3. Open the following address If the computer is safe, a message will appears like this:
In steps 1 and 2 there explained if some images do not appear, then chances are your computer infected with a variant of Conficker (Conficker B / C or perhaps other viruses). If all the images are not appearing, make sure the settings / setup a web browser to display the image is active.
All three methods above require Internet access, because as is known Conficker will close / block access to more than 100 websites of security / antivirus. But if the computer's Internet connection through a proxy server (for example, one office using one connection only) test will not be effective.
If indicated Conficker infected, can use tools / remover (cleanser) from one of the following antivirus vendors:
- Sophos
- Symantec / Norton
- F-Secure
- Kaspersky
- BitDefender
4 Steps to Prevent Conficker Virus
Worm Win32/Conficker.A attack computers on a network that has the RPC DCOM security hole 3 is not patched. If successful, then the file will be downloaded to a computer virus victims.
To prevent this virus to infect more computers, make sure you take these steps in :
- Make sure the virus is not active in your computer. The trick is to disconnect the computer to the network.
- If after a relationship to the network decided virus infection stops, it means that the source of the virus from your computer but not from one of the computers on the network.
- Find the source of the virus spreading Conficker in the network before connecting your computer. Logically, all the computers are not patched and connected to a network where one computer is infected with the virus Conficker, it will be infected Conficker also within a short time. Unless the computers are protected by a firewall that protects a port: UDP Port 135, 137, 138 and 445 TCP Port 135, 139, 445 and 593
- Patch all computer operating systems are vulnerable to the RPC DCOM vulnerability 3. To get details of his patch, please download at the Microsoft site.
As reported previously, Conficker not only exploit security holes in Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2. But Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, even Windows 7 Pre Beta also vulnerable.
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